
Žena / 19 let / Střelec

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JazykyAngličtina, Ukrajinský
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O mně

Hello, my name is Rony, I'm 19 years old. I'm a college student studying law and I'm very outgoing, so I'm sure we'll get along. At the moment I don’t have a boyfriend, but over time I hope to find one. In my free time I like to dance, give master classes in K-pop choreo and watch movies. I speak good English and don’t use a translator, so we won’t have any problems communicating. I'm glad to see everyone in my room, please feel free to write about your fetishes and desires, even though I'm a little shy, we will definitely hear each other. Don't forget to follow me and leave a rating, it's very important to me. ^^


Hello, my name is Rony, I'm 19 years old. I'm a college student studying law and I'm very outgoing, so I'm sure we'll get along. At the moment I don’t have a boyfriend, but over time I hope to find one. In my free time I like to dance, give master classes in K-pop choreo and watch movies. I speak good English and don’t use a translator, so we won’t have any problems communicating. I'm glad to see everyone in my room, please feel free to write about your fetishes and desires, even though I'm a little shy, we will definitely hear each other. Don't forget to follow me and leave a rating, it's very important to me. ^^ ✨

Líbí se mi

Hot conversations/flirting, seeing your interlocutor (s2c), gentle touches, as well as light slaps on the butt.


Горячие разговоры/флирт,видеть своего собеседника (с2с),нежные прикосновения, а так же легкие шлепки по попе.

Горячие разговоры/флирт,видеть своего собеседника (с2с),нежные прикосновения, а так же легкие шлепки по попе. ✨

Nelíbí se mi

Rude people, when they force me to do something I don't like, exposure, spam, toxicity, discussion of politics.


Грубые люди, когда меня заставляют делать то что мне не нравится, обнажаться , спам , токсичность , обсуждение политики.

Грубые люди, когда меня заставляют делать то что мне не нравится, обнажаться , спам , токсичность , обсуждение политики. ✨

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