
Žena, 21 let, Panna.

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Etnická příslušnostBílá/Europoidní
Výška (centimetr)164
Váha (kg)58
Velikost prsouStřední
Velikost zadkuStřední
KočičkaUpravené ochlupení
Barva vlasůBlond vlasy
Barva očíHnědá

O mně

I like to read nude and have a long and hot conversation.

Mám rád

I light the kisses on the neck, soft bites on the lip, they take me from the waist strong, I turn to be bitten my ears, I light the nipples on my nipples, I turn on oral sex, I spank hard , turn me on to kiss me on the back and whisper in my ear.

Nemám rád

A man that is static, that smells ugly, that does not excite me before sex, that comes quickly, that they are boring and that they only talk about him.