
Žena, 20 let, Libra.

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Výška (centimetr)177
Váha (kg)55
Velikost prsouStřední
Velikost zadkuStřední
KočičkaUpravené ochlupení
Barva vlasůHnědé vlasy
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O mně

Everyone. Welcome. I would like to tell you a little about myself. My names is Sulie, but you may call me Gorgeous. My hobby is shopping and sex with strangers from dating sites... I'm kidding. But I like shopping, it lifts my mood. I


I would like to tell you a little about myself. I like to play computer games. My favorite genres are novels and role-playing games. I love Anime. I love everything related to Anime. I like to read books. In general, books are an integral p...

Mám rád

I like confident, smart, funny and generous men.


I like confident, smart, funny and generous men. The smell of a man excites me.

Nemám rád

Rude, ignorant, dull, narrow-minded men who do not understand the feelings of girls.


Rude, ignorant, dull, narrow-minded, motronic me, who do not understand the feelings of girls.