
Žena, 23 let starý, Štír.

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Výška (centimetr)152
Váha (kg)42
Velikost prsouMalá
Velikost zadkuStřední
Barva vlasůZrzka
Barva očíHnědá

O mně

Hello, I'm Sabrina, I'm 21 years old and my favorite number is 9 because my birthday is November 9. I have a dog that is the most important baby of my life. I am 99.9% The happiest person in the world, MFC is a big part of my life and I like that my ro...

Mám rád

Masturbate at the cinema and in a forest Do it in the water A trio with two gay friends Having sex blindfolded and tied hands Your fantasy will be mine, tell me you want and experience it.

Nemám rád

I dont like to dominate, rude people and beggars and small dicks