
Žena / 24 let / Beran

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O mně

Welcome to my world of lust and debauchery. My name is Alice. I'm glad to see you. And I will be happy to send you to Wonderland and at the same time plunge into it myself. I am a very sweet and good girl, I came here to have fun and learn something new. And if you want to get complete depravity from me, then you will have to try.

Líbí se mi

I get turned on: Generous men, ready to give me gifts, tokens and make nice compliments. It turns me on and makes me happy. Don’t be afraid to tell me about your immodest fantasies, maybe I’ll want to make them come true for your sake. The more people look at me, the more happy I am and


Hello) vibration of 2, 11,51, 101, 201 «new perfume»«7000 – countdown: 3209 is assembled , 3791 is left before the show starts!»

Меня возбуждает: Щедрые мужчины, готовые дарить мне подарки, токены и делать Приятные комплименты. Это меня заводит и радует. Не бойся рассказать мне о своих нескромных фантазиях, возможно я захочу воплотить их ради тебя. Чем больше людей на меня смотрит, тем больше я радуюсь и хочу себя ласкать.

Nelíbí se mi

I'm repulsed Rudes and greedy people who want to see everything for free. Sticky little people who want me to break my rules and are trying to deceive me. I am against swearing and rude communication in chats. Such individuals are denied access.


Я против мата и грубого общения в общем чате.

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