
Žena, 23 let starý, Libra.

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PůvodČokoládové holky
Výška (centimetr)177
Váha (kg)89
Velikost prsouObrovské
Velikost zadkuStřední
KočičkaUpravené ochlupení
Barva vlasůHnědé vlasy
Barva očíHnědá

O mně

Hello love I am a passionate, loving and very attentive woman a little introverted but eager to please you.

Mám rád

I love that you give me a lot of love, that you can please me as I please you, that you make me vibrate to feel you inside me. I like jewelry, dogs and sharing with my family.

Nemám rád

I don't like it when they are rude, when they are derogatory or yell at me, when they demand things from me without giving me anything in return.