
Žena / 21 let / Panna

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O mně

Hello! I'm Alice, from the real wonderland, Russia) I don't like to pretend... And I'm very good at keeping secrets. The camera and this site is a real way for me to do what I want and most importantly to support people. To hell with


Hello! I'm Alice, from the real wonderland, Russia) I don't like to pretend... And I'm very good at keeping secrets. The camera and this site is a real way for me to do what I want and most importantly to support people. To hell with...

Hello! I'm Alice, from the real wonderland, Russia) I don't like to pretend... And I'm very good at keeping secrets. The camera and this site is a real way for me to do what I want and most importantly to support people. To hell with philosophizing) let's

Líbí se mi

I love restaurants and delicious food) Food makes me pleasantly excited and relax) Also I love to cook! I love restaurants and delicious food) Food makes me pleasantly excited and relaxed) and I also love to cook!


Generous and smart men are very exciting, I love gifts and when we openly talk about their fantasies

Очень возбуждают щедрые и умные мужчины, люблю сюрпризы и когда мы можем откровенно поговорить о своих фантазиях

I love restaurants and delicious food) Food makes me pleasantly excited and relax) Also I love to cook! Я обожаю рестораны и вкусно поесть) Еда заставляет меня приятно возбудиться и расслабиться) и готовить я тоже люблю!

Nelíbí se mi

I'm repelled by excessive inattention and lying (only if you don't lie for the good, for example, to make a surprise for me) Меня отталкивает излишняя невнимательность и вранье (только если вы не врете во благо, например, чтобы сделать для меня подарок)


I'm repelled by excessive inattention and lying (only if you don't lie for the good, for example, to make a surprise for me) Меня отталкивает излишняя невнимательность и вранье (только если...

I'm repelled by excessive inattention and lying (only if you don't lie for the good, for example, to make a surprise for me) I am repelled by excessive inattention and lies (only if you are not lying for the good, for example, to surprise me)

I'm repelled by excessive inattention and lying (only if you don't lie for the good, for example, to make a surprise for me) Меня отталкивает излишняя невнимательность и вранье (только если вы не врете во благо, например, чтобы сделать для меня сюрприз)

I am repelled by excessive inattention and lies (only if you are not lying for the good, for example, to surprise me)

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